Saturday, March 03, 2007

Another Perspective

I was driving home from work last night when I heard a story on NPR about the war in Iraq. Most stories have casualty counts and locations of car bombs. This one was from an entirely different perspective. It told of a high school in Texas near several military bases. Almost ever one of the students has a parent in Iraq. Some have two. 7 children in that school have lost parents. Many seniors are worried about going away to college because they're afraid their remaining parent and their siblings will not be able to manage without them. Many stay awake at night watching their mothers in fear that they will finally be overcome by the depression of having their spouse away so long and commit suicide. Parents who do return often have sever Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and need extensive counseling. For those of you who feel that there is nothing wrong with this war, what would you say to these children to explain the continued and nearly constant absence of these parents for the past 5 years? If you are against the war, what are you doing to ensure that more children don't end up like this every day? And what will we tell all of our children when we end up in Iran?

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