Friday, May 18, 2007

To Help Save Iraq From Iraqis

If the troop surge is working, why are we sending 35,000 more soldiers to Iraq? And why aren't the major news outlets reporting that the White House is telling American citizens to brace for higher casualties in Iraq? Vice-President Cheney probably won't mention it when he meets with the leaders of United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. We have occupied Iraq and we're killing tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq (many of them children) and Afghanistan. Al-Zawahri has invited President Bush to toast the "success" of his security plan with a glass of orange juice in the middle of the Iraqi Parliment, since it's obviously sooooo safe. The National Guard couldn't respond after the tornadoes that ripped apart Kansas because they're all deployed to Iraq. This HAS to end, and the only way to get it done faster is to Impeach or Protest.

1 comment:

United We Lay said...

Psychomikeo said...
35,000 more!!!! Where are the DEMS???? We The People put the dems in office for a change & We The People (not to mention the soldiers) are getting screwed.

Also Thanx for stopping by my blog!

8:10 AM
United We Lay said...
I don't know why I'm surprised that this is happenoing or that the Democratic politicians have said nothing. There's a lot going on with the "timetable for withdraw", but few are thinking about the troops that are there NOW. The soldiers have been getting screwed throughout this whole thing. I think it says a lot about the morals of the American people that they are not only letting the soldiers get screwed, but they are actively ignoring what is happening to them and their families before they leave, while they're in Iraq, and when they get home.

8:13 AM
Laura said...
RE: the surge... if they believe it's working so well, then the obvious choice is to repeat it.

That said, I think they're delusional if they think there is any good outcome to this war anymore. We need to get more folks in congress to grow some backbone to have enough votes to overthrow a veto.

8:47 AM
United We Lay said...
I think this is starting to look too much like Vietnam, sending small numbers of troops every few months when what we really needed was a HUGE force 4 yeas ago. Our nation is suffering. Just ask Kansas. And they can't really believe it's working. More soldiers are dying than before, and the Iraqis have decided that they're only choice now is to fight us or die. when given that choice, every last one of them will fight. How many troops will we need then?

9:04 AM
sage said...
I came over from Ed's blog--I've just finished Stanley Karnow, Vietnam: A History, and those soundbites from my childhood years when we were being encouraged to "stay the course" are being heard again--all too frequently.

10:18 AM
United We Lay said...
I think this is a terrifying trend that so few people are paying attention to. The next few years are going to be bloody and difficult.

5:20 AM
Vigilante said...
We should either impeach, or remove all reference to impeachment by amending the constitution.

12:30 PM
United We Lay said...
I agree. We are hypocrites if we do not do so. This is incredibly stupid. We have let our country get away from us.
1:00 PM